COINS database developer. The Combined Online Information System.
The Combined Online Information System (COINS) is a database of UKGovernment expenditure provided by government departments.

As experienced database developers, London based Alpine Interactive software development team can help you get information from the database. We are in the process of developing tools to extract information from the COINS database.
See our visualisation software, designed using Microsoft Silverlight published on
In 2010 the government published the entire contents of the Treasury spending in the form of a database. 120GB of raw data has been made available for interrogation but there are no tools provided.
We have a proven track record of database development, if you are a journalist or city analyst get in touch to discuss your requirements from theCOINS database.
The data is used to produce reports for Parliament and the public including: expenditure data in the Budget and Pre-Budget reports; Supply Estimates; Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA); the monthly Public Sector Finance Releases. It is also used by the ONS for statistical purposes.
The vast database contains a total of 24m individual entries documenting where public money comes from, what it is spent on and whose pocket it ends up in.
But it is proving controversial in Whitehall. Some ministers have expressed unease about the transparency it will bring, exposing every spending decision they make.
However, Danny Alexander, the chief secretary to the Treasury, hailed the release of the data.
The Liberal Democrat minister said: "For too long, the previous government acted as if the public had no right to know where their hard-earned taxes were spent.
"Today we have lifted that veil of secrecy by releasing detailed spending figures dating back to 2008.
"This data is complex, but this is a major step forward and shows we are delivering on our promise to make this government more open and transparent while ensuring we deliver value for money for the taxpayer.
"I hope people will take the opportunity to scrutinise carefully how their money is being spent - as I am doing every day in preparation for the spending review."
He said the government would not stop there, adding: "We plan to release more data in the coming months that will be easier for the general public to understand."
The Conservative technology manifesto said: "Our plans to open up government data and spending information will not only help us to cut wasteful spending, but according to new research ... it will also create an estimated £6bn in additional value for the UK."